Welcome to...

Amazing Children's Montessori

We are a Montessori school based at the intersection of Eldorado and Independence.


As Maria Montessori said, "The first essential for the child's development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy."

Children have a way of learning and building concentration by having fun. We have designed the playground and set up Montessori materials that enable such environment. Visit us for a tour and find out more..


Not all child care is created equal.

The difference between a daycare and a montessori is that montessori provides a learning environment. This includes montessori material, books, and more of a classroom environment than a playroom. Topics include:

  • Language
  • Sensorial
  • Practical Life Skills
  • Math
  • Cultural


As they say, "Safety first!"

Here at Amazing Children's Montessori, we believe environment is key. If a child feels safe and focused, they are on the path to sucess.